I think taking it backwards will just help you better understand why I have not blogged in a couple of weeks! Let's see Wednesday I went to work at 8:30, wait let me re-phrase that, I was supposed to start at 8:30am I didn't even walk in the door until 8:45am because for some unknown reason the freeway decided to be full of traffic...... of course it did, of all days it had to be this day. Anyways, about three hours after my shift I was feeling nauseated, not sure from pain medicine or just sick. I went home early took an hour nap and woke up with a "flu/food poisoning" still not really sure which one. Threw up a couple of times, had really bad chills, and hot flashes.... finally fell asleep and slept the rest of the night. Woke up Thursday feeling mostly better..

Ok, so the pain medicine.... let's go back to Monday night. Carlee and I have really been trying to push each other in a work out plan! We both have decided there is need for improvement and both like/or are trying to like running (again)! Anyways we were doing great, we scheduled it out so we run five times a week. It was kinda late Monday and it had been a pretty long weekend so Car asked if I just wanted to take an hour walk instead of a shorter run. THAT SOUNDED AMAZING! So, as usual we are getting ready and Rocky (our dog) was getting hyper looking for his leash (cause he always comes with us). Dan, Car and I got him all hyper so by the time we got outside Rocky was not really in the mood for much of a "walk". So you know, me being as smart as I am decided "oh I will just sprint with Rocky for a few minutes and the catch up with Carlee." So Carlee took off walking heading south and me and Rocky headed north in an abrupt sprint! Well next thing you know I look down Rocky is half way under my body, I am a few feet in the air and then..... in the gutter on the side of the street. Apparently Rocky was too excited decided it would be more fun to take me out than it would be to actually run........ anyhow ME + ROCKY + SPRINTING = REALLY TWISTED/STRAINED ANKLE (hard time walking)

Pretty much all of last Friday, Saturday, Sunday felt and looked like this at work! It seemed that everytime I walked through that door there was something just waiting to slap me in the face. I think that literally everyday I had to council at least two associates, confront another two, and spend at least a half an hour (OR MORE) on the phone or in person with one of my higher managers dealing with issues!!! REALLY!?!?!?! Cause I definitely felt like dealing with this right now too.....
I really didn't feel like dealing with all that work stuff because it had already been a really hard and somewhat emotional draining week for me. Even though all these changes in my life have been good and I have so much to be thankful for there are still sometimes where I have this brief moment of "WHAT THE HECK ARE DOING" feelings. When I first moved in they happened quite often, pretty much everyday, then over the weeks they kinda diminished. Its been about six weeks since I have lived here and I don't really have those moments anymore. But let's see last Wednesday early early morning I got a phone call... it was a ghost from the past and every doubt and worry re-entered my head. All the battles I thought I had fought suddenly were back and I was freaking out! I just wanted to pull out, run away, hide...... It took me a good four days to recover from this lil mis-hap. Feel good now.... but it just wears me down mentally and emotionally.

And to start off this past week and half of unfortunate events.... last tuesday in spanish class I accidentally told everyone I was married instead of tired.... hey it happens... casada/consada.... they are close! Anyways, just so you are filled in my husband's name is "Matt", we live in a "house" in "Riverside". Instead of admitting I was confused and I meant to say I was tired I decided it would be more fun to play along with it! hahaha! Sorry about that!
For a RE-CAP for the past two weeks: I got married, took a really hard phone call, had work blow up on me four days straight, fell in a gutter, and got the flu! So, hopefully..... after all that I am done for a while and can hop back on the train! I am ready for things to settled down again and start posting more! Hope all is well!!! Sorry if I have disappeared to some, promise I am not avoiding!!!
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