Monday, July 12, 2010

Confessions of a newlywed...

Married life, even though its only been a month and a half, is nothing like I had imagined it to be. And that is probably the biggest relief to my soul. I get to spend every day with my best friend, in my ugliest moments, when I am the grumpiest, when I am silly, feeling sad and depressed, in all my joys and tears. It’s a blessing, it’s beautiful and messy, perfect and crazy, passionate and real. It’s forever, it’s marriage. Actually most days forget that I Juliana Lynne am officially a Cote’. Haha even now I am giggling as I write this, One, even in though in the deepest depths of my heart through all the years of loving this man I never thought I was actually going to get what I wanted. Two, it feels weird saying oh my husband this or my husband that. Husband??? Really? Wasn’t I just 15 laying on my bed crying over something pathetic or doing that flirty little laugh trying to steal his heart. And now I am married. Weird.

Cooking- I love cooking. There is so much joy found in the kitchen. It is my sanctuary of the house. It’s my space. My zone. My canvas to make something beautiful, intricate and wholly unique. MY CONFESSION: As much as I love it, it’s exhausting!!! Props to all the mom’s and wives out there who have been doing this for years upon years. I really don’t know how you balance everything. Plus adding work, or kids, or ministries. YOU ARE INCREDIBLE. For me this biggest thing this month has been choosing my attitude. I know that cooking for my husband, controlling what we poison our bodies with, and creating wonderful dishes is so rewarding and fun but somedays I just don’t feel like it. But I choose to do it anyway. I choose to get up early and spend the morning together and make breakfast because past my laziness there are so many rewards. And honestly the times I feel the least like doing it and I do it anyway seem to be the best moments. I don’t know it’s just something I am continuing to push myself in, in all areas of our home including laundry and cleaning. I feel like it’s one way I can honor my husband. It’s hard and tiring but honestly doing these things brings more joy than bringing home a pay check.

Communication- ha! There is no hiding much when you spend so much time with a person. Plus there is no need to. Jordan and I have never really had problems talking to each other but sometimes I think we get so excited with little things and friend things we forget to talk about big things. But thankfully that is an area that we continue to get better at. It’s hard for me to share any amount of frustration or sadness because I am happy. But it’s important to share small fears or frustrations so they don’t grow into big things. I am so lucky to have a good communicator as a husband. He pushes me daily in this area and we becoming quite the team.

Contentness- oh you are an everlasting battle. In one way I know in this life there is always going to be a longing for something more, something amazing and perfect. But let’s get honest, that is something that will happen when this world falls to ashes. So for now, even though work is not exactly ideal and Arizona isn’t a place we would love to call home, we are here. And for now I am learning here is good. We have been blessed tremendously. Our apartment is the best one in the community (and I am not just saying that!) We have jobs that pay well in a broken economy. We have food and clothes and a God who loves us more than we can imagine. I am grateful. I sit on the balcony at night, look at all the lights of Tucson lighting up as the sun sets in a dreamy sky and think really God? You are really giving me all of this. I did nothing to deserve any of this. Nothing. You are good to me, I am thankful and I am content. I have dreams, we have dreams, big plans and lots of adventures but for now we are here. Here is perfect. Thank you Lord, you will provide today, tomorrow and everyday after that.

The dirty socks on the ground, the snoring, the toothbrush left on the counter or a beer can on the ground. To me it's just another day in paradise and would not trade it for anything else!!! Haha So to one month of marriage down, a lifetime more to come we are doing well. Thriving, struggling, growing, laughing, living. It’s a beautiful crazy wild amazing thing. And I couldn’t ask for anything more.

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Just an average girl living the life with the man of my dreams! We hope to document our travels and adventures in order to keep loved ones far and near up to date!

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